Background checks are important to know about new people we often meet in our personal, private or business life. After all, we often don’t know them fully yet have to forge some kind of partnership or relationship with them.
Business Disputes
Business disputes are nothing new to India and its people, and have been taking place for ages. With the changing of time, the nature of dispute may have transformed,
Employee Cheating
Employee cheating is a menace that most of companies or corporate firms have to bear for the lack of concrete evidence. From forgery to embezzlement to fraud to fund appropriation
Financial Background / Assets Search
Trace the assets which belong to an individual and who all are trying to hide them from third parties due to any sort of disputes and frauds.
Marriage is one amongst the chief decisions of an individual’s life, as a new person is going to get associated with you, for your entire life.
Divorce Investigation
Divorce is never an easy option to take. You may decide to walk out on the spouse, but a lot is left behind in the wake. That’s why not all divorce cases end up as amicably as they are supposed to.